Wait on God
Sang Penulis kehidupan sedang menuliskan kehidupanmu.
Terkadang, kisah yang ditulisNya tidak dimulai seindah harapanmu.
Bahkan di bab-bab tertentu, Dia menuliskan cerita yang mengundang air mata.
Tetapi jika kau mengijinkanNya terus menulis,
Kau akan temukan di bab-bab berikutnya bahwa Dia menuliskan bagian-bagian indah.
Yang semakin indah jika kau sabar menungguNya menyelesaikan kisahmu..
Dia tidak butuh interupsi.
Dia tahu yang terbaik.
Dia Tuhan, yang sangat ahli menuliskan akhir kisah indah yang sempurna.
Kisah yang indah tidak pernah selesai hanya dalam satu malam
Re-post from May 2012
Right Here Waiting
Akhir-akhir ini hampir setiap hari
melakukan pekerjaan ‘menunggu’. Mulai dari pagi berangkat kerja menunggu taxi
yang tak kunjung datang. Menunggu mobil kantor yang masih dipakai keperluan
lain berharap segera datang untuk mengantarkan hand over unit. Sesampainya di lapangan, si calon pemilik rumah
biasanya tidak selalu tepat waktu, sehingga sering kali kami harus menunggu lagi.
Kemarin lusa pagi sewaktu akan
berangkat kerja, selama menunggu taxi yang sudah dipesan kira-kira ada beberapa
taxi lewat dan nawarin. Sempat tergoda, “Apa sudah naek taxi yang sudah ada aja?”
Tetapi akhirnya aku tetap menunggu karena mbak bilang pasti datang.
Sebenarnya bukan seberapa lama
waktu untuk menunggu. Bukan juga menunggu di tengah teriknya matahari di
lapangan. Tetapi kepastian akankah orang yang saya tunggu itu datang?
Guys, pernahkah kita merasa seperti itu di dalam hidup? Menunggu
sesuatu yang ngga pasti? Menunggu jawaban yang ngga kunjung tiba, telepon yang
ngga kunjung berdering, email yang ngga kunjung sampai. Dan ketika kita bertanya
pada Tuhan, Tuhan seolah diam..
Ketika harus menunggu, kadang iman
menjadi goyah. Berbagai pertanyaan yang ngga-ngga muncul. Gimana kalo Tuhan
lupa? Gimana kalo Tuhan ngga peduli? Ato gimana kalo sebenarnya Tuhan sudah
berbicara tapi aku ngga denger?
“It’s a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God.
It’s a good thing when u’re young to stick it out through the hard
When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the
silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions; wait for hope to appear.
Don’t run from trouble. Take it full face.”
Lamentations 3:26-30
Ketika menunggu, mobil demi mobil
yang lewat bukan mobil yang aku tunggu itu sudah pasti mendatangkan kekecewaan.
Tetapi ternyata bukan menunggu seperti itu yang Tuhan mau. Tuhan mau aku
menunggu dan berharap bukan pada mobil lewat ato pada orang, tetapi pada Dia
saja.. :)
Passionately waits padaNya ngga akan pernah sia-sia. Kasih setia
Tuhan selalu muncul baru setiap pagi.. ^^
Ketika mengetik kata-kata di atas,
aku masih harus tetap menunggu. Tetapi aku belajar, semua yang terbaik pasti
diberikan Tuhan tepat pada waktunya.. ^^
8 Juni 2014
Bapa yang sangat kupercaya.. ^^
Aku baru aja mengerti sesuatu, dan aku pingin Kau segera tau..:D
Ini tentu ngga akan membuatMu heran, tapi tampaknya aku
perlu diingatkan kembali tentang hal ini berulang kali.
Ketika aku terluka, kasihMu segera menghampiri untuk
meringankan rasa sakit dan mempercepat kesembuhanku.
Ketika aku berlari di dalam perlombaan kehidupan setiap
hari, suaraMu yang penuh kasih selalu menyemangati aku di garis akhir.
Thanks Jesus..
Ada hal lain yang pingin aku sampaikan,
aku mengasihiMu.. :)
All Seasons are Good
Facing hardships? Read this for a while..
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings
The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset in the morning,
That brightens up the sky
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one;
(Matthew 6:24-34)
Thanks Jesus for always being with me through all seasons of life..
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings
The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset in the morning,
That brightens up the sky
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one;
(Matthew 6:24-34)
Thanks Jesus for always being with me through all seasons of life..
A Valentine's Letter to Jesus
Dear Jesus,
When You are present to me, all is good and nothing seems difficult. Your voice to me is the most precious sound in existence. If I dont hear You speaking inside my soul, all other comfort is worth nothing, but if You speak but one word to me I am greatly comforted.
Sorry Lord, when I go into any situation without having You on my mind..
Jesus, it is the greatest skill to know how to hold familiar conversation with You. Lord, teach me this skill.. To know how to keep You in my consciousness at all times, this is the greatest wisdom. Please, dear Lord, tune my heart to Your presence with me at all times.
You know that I want always to be in the springtime of enjoying Your love, but sometimes I need the winter season. Lord, you have ordained the seasons, including those that dont feel good, and I love You for this too. Help me to remember that after winter comes spring, after night comes day, after the storm comes a great calm. More than that, help me to trust that all seasons are good when I live them with You..
You know that I want always to be in the springtime of enjoying Your love, but sometimes I need the winter season. Lord, you have ordained the seasons, including those that dont feel good, and I love You for this too. Help me to remember that after winter comes spring, after night comes day, after the storm comes a great calm. More than that, help me to trust that all seasons are good when I live them with You..
You are the One, Jesus, who I trust and rejoice in above all others. I'd rather have the whole world against me than to have You offended with me. Among all those who are dear to me You stand out, Jesus. I have no idea how much You capture my heart. You are the One that I especially love.. :)
And for my future husband, no doubt :) I do believe You is preparing him, so someday he will become a Godly man who leads our family..^^
Until that day come, You will still be the One I'll love till the end of my life Jesus..
I love You.. :)
And for my future husband, no doubt :) I do believe You is preparing him, so someday he will become a Godly man who leads our family..^^
Until that day come, You will still be the One I'll love till the end of my life Jesus..
I love You.. :)
Life Teaches me..
Life teaches me to trust no one
Bible teaches me to trust God alone.
Life teaches me to love them who love me
Bible teaches me to love and pray for my enemies.
Life teaches me to gain no more
Bible teaches me to give more.
Life teaches me to be independent
Bible teaches me that I can depend on God.
Life teaches me to be loveable
Bible teaches me that I'm loved, no matter what.
Life teaches me to do more
Bible teaches me that everything has done at the cross.
Life teaches me the good things,
but Bible teaches me the best way to live.
Bible teaches me to trust God alone.
Life teaches me to love them who love me
Bible teaches me to love and pray for my enemies.
Life teaches me to gain no more
Bible teaches me to give more.
Life teaches me to be independent
Bible teaches me that I can depend on God.
Life teaches me to be loveable
Bible teaches me that I'm loved, no matter what.
Life teaches me to do more
Bible teaches me that everything has done at the cross.
Life teaches me the good things,
but Bible teaches me the best way to live.
Welcome 2014 ^^
Last New Year Eve I had a really lovely day with my best friends, how about you?:)
Thanks Jesus for blessed 2013..
Every answered prayers, processes, and abundant love..
Not a day goes by without His unfolding grace.. (2 Cor 16-18)
Hal terindah di hidupku adalah hidup bersama Tuhan Yesus..
Nothing more precious than this.. :)
I had written my resolution for 2014.
And I will submit that "proposal" to God in my prayer.
I let Him "revise" every part that needed to be "revised".
He is the One I'll love till the end of my life..
Welcome another great year, 2014.. ^.^
Thanks Jesus for blessed 2013..
Every answered prayers, processes, and abundant love..
Not a day goes by without His unfolding grace.. (2 Cor 16-18)
Hal terindah di hidupku adalah hidup bersama Tuhan Yesus..
Nothing more precious than this.. :)
I had written my resolution for 2014.
And I will submit that "proposal" to God in my prayer.
I let Him "revise" every part that needed to be "revised".
He is the One I'll love till the end of my life..
Welcome another great year, 2014.. ^.^
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