Tahun 2011 sudah selesai..
Thanks God for everything in this year..
Begitu banyak yang Tuhan percayakan di tahun ini..
Most of them had I been shared in this blog.. :)
Aku cuma bisa ngomong: ALL BECAUSE OF JESUS..
Hmm.. Hal terindah di hidupku adalah hidup bersama Tuhan Yesus..:)
I had written my resolution for 2012 this morning.
And I will submit that “proposal” to God in my prayer tonight.
I let HIM “revise” every part that needed to be “revised”.
Jesus is the KING of my life!
And I will submit that “proposal” to God in my prayer tonight.
I let HIM “revise” every part that needed to be “revised”.
Jesus is the KING of my life!
Welcome 2012!!!