my HIStory

The Gift of Interruption

I was working this afternoon when my little niece called me, “ako di mana? cece tadi udah masuk sekolah baru lho, cece udah TK.” (cece is a nick name we called for her, since God sent her little brother to our family).

Well, I learn to be thankful for any interrupting-call from her. Cause I know I will miss these moments, so I’d be better treasure them.
In fact, I’m missing her “ako, cece mau mandi sama ako sambil bawa mermaid” (mermaid is a princess ariel doll I bought for her)
Missing her “ako, cece tadi makan banyak lho di sekolah, cece makan sendiri sampe habis” then I give a high five for her.
And many more.

Since I’m planner, I used to feel annoyed when someone or something interrupt my plans, or my schedule. But later God teaches me that sometimes interruption can be God’s way to remind that :

Relationship is more important than to-do-list,

That family of best-friends are more important than “things”,

That having personal time with Him is more important than checking social media (have you ever been interrupted by a bad signal?) :)

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